WALKERS and day trippers made a bee-line for the upper dale reservoirs last Wednesday after car parks and trails were re-opened by Northumbrian Water.
Routes around Selset, Balderhead, Hury and Blackton were made available to visitors following a review by water company officials.
Among the first to head for a walk around Hury were Dale and Shiona Cochrane, from Newton Aycliffe, along with their two-year-old golden Labrador.
Mr Cochrane is a regular visitor to Hury, where he enjoys flyfishing.
“I’ve not been up so far this year because as soon as it opened [for fishing], it was closed again.”
Another family, from Sunderland, were combining their visit with a home schooling field trip for the children to discover insects.
A spokesman for Northumbrian Water said a phased re-opening of waterside parks and reservoirs had begun.
“The moves are to allow members of the public to enjoy walks around these beautiful locations, in response to recent changes to government guidance.
“While we appreciate people want to start visiting these locations again, we would urge anybody who does choose to visit to be respectful of the local communities.
“Please stay away from village and residential centres and strictly observe government guidelines on social distancing wherever you are. As much as possible, please continue to stay local and exercise close to home.”
He said the situation would continue to be monitored and may be subject to change.
In all, 11 sites were re-opened last week, including Derwent Reservoir and Scaling Dam, in North Yorkshire.
“We are opening as many sites as is possible,” added the spokesman.
Where public toilets are available, visitors are urged to follow social distancing guidelines, use the sanitiser and liquid soaps provided, abide by all safety and usage signage and be considerate and respectful of those whose job it is to keep these facilities clean.
“Visitors are urged to stick to designated footpaths,” added the spokesman.
“Facilities, such as visitor centres and site shops, remain closed, with no refreshments available.
“In line with government guidelines, all play areas will remain closed.
“We also ask that people take their litter home or use bins provided, and dispose of dog waste properly, to
help limit the risk of infection. Please do not leave dog
mess bags lying around the area.
“Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and we advise visitors to bring their own anti-bacterial wipes or gel for use when opening and closing gates,” he said.