HOTELS, B&Bs and holiday lets in the upper dale are expressing their gratitude to frontline NHS staff by offering them a free weekend getaway.
Already nine holiday accommodation providers have signed up to the scheme which will see them open up their doors to key medical workers on the weekend of November 6.
The scheme was launched by Dave Hynes and his wife Fiona, owners of The Quirky Quarry B&B, near Middleton-in-Teesdale. He said: “My wife works for the NHS and I have seen how hard they are all working. Also, my auntie died in Cambridge after she caught the virus. The hospital was brilliant, the nurses were really great and I was able to speak to her about four hours before she died.” His aunt, Betty Cleaver, was 95.
Initially, Mr Hynes was only going to offer up his B&B for the NHS but the idea grew as he spoke to fellow accommodation providers.
He said: “I was speaking to Dave [Falconer of Teesdale Hotel] and Andie [Carnell who runs a holiday let] and they said they would like to do it as well. I thought let us ask more people and make it an upper dale event to say thanks to the NHS.”
Others which have signed up include Forresters Hotel, Langdon Beck Hotel, High Force Hotel, The Hill B&B, Brunswick House B&B and Gentian House B&B. Mr Hynes has been in touch with County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust Charity, which will manage a lucky draw for NHS staff to select who will enjoy the weekend break.
The charity’s development manager, Pat Chambers, said: “I am absolutely overjoyed – it is a beautiful gesture. It has been challenging for all NHS and keyworkers so this is a beacon of hope that people can look forward to at the end of it all.”
She expected it to be popular with NHS staff.
Other holiday accommodation providers in Teesdale who would like to join the scheme can contact Mr Hynes on 01833 641222 or 07956 321414.