AN upper dale PhD student is challenging people to make a change to improve their wellbeing and support a mental health challenge.
Psychology student Tina Robson has teamed up with Middleton-in-Teesdale Co-op team member Ali Collinson to drive their Make A Change Challenge this month. They say it will give people focus – something they believe is even more important now that the country has gone into a second lockdown.
More than 50 people have already signed up, pledging to do things like take daily walks, cut back screen time on their smart devices or to read more.
Ms Robson, who works as a health coach, said: “We are asking as many as people as possible to commit to making a change for November. It can be any change that has a positive impact on your mental or physical health and all ages can take part.”
Ms Collinson added: “The way Covid is at the moment people are feeling a bit down and this is a bit of motivation for them.”
Subsequently they have formed a Make A Change Challenge group on Facebook, where people can share ideas and encourage each other to keep going.
Ms Collinson said: “Everyone is posting about their challenge and it is keeping everyone on track.”
Weekly online Zoom sessions are also planned to keep momentum going.
In addition, they have also come up with vision boards where people can plot their challenge progress.
Ms Collinson, along with her children Ryan, 7, and Lexie, 5, have decided to get out more and snack less.
As part of this they joined the British Legion’s My Poppy Run.
She said: “We signed up for it and we are just getting as many walks or runs in as we can. Obviously, they couldn’t come round and sell poppies, so we can support them this way.”
The family have been awarded medals for signing up to the scheme.
People who sign up to the challenge are being urged to support the Mind charity, which is the charity that the Co-op has chosen to support for the next year.
Those taking part are show their support by making donations at Middleton-in-Teesdale’s Co-op shop.
For more information search for Make A Change group on Facebook.