STAFF at Barnard Castle School have been making protective visors for NHS workers using materials they “had in stock” and were able to deliver 200 before the Easter weekend.
Design and technology teacher Alan Beaty, assisted by colleagues Nick Connor and Rebecca Cruxton, spent six hours in the school’s design workshop, carefully creating the visors worn by NHS staff during the coronavirus pandemic.
Mr Beaty said: “We’re just getting going with them now. We’re using a laser cutter in the DT workshop and have used acetate from overhead projectors.
“There are loads of designs around for the visors and were able to download the CAD drawings for them. We were making one kind last week because of the materials we had in stock, though we did run out of elastic so have had to improvise on some of them with elastic bands.
“We’re changing to another design and have ordered more supplies so we can continue to make the visors. It is great that we can help towards this sort of thing.”
The trio delivered the masks to Barnard Castle Surgery on Friday, April 10, and were thanked by partner GP Dr Julian Waller and practice manager Margaret Taube-Brown.
Ms Taube-Brown said the response from the community had been overwhelming. She added: “We have also received donations from individuals including Bob Hepple, from Winston, who has been making them at his home, and we are truly grateful.”