RENT for land used as village allotments has not been paid for seven years – as the owner had not submitted an invoice.
A demand totalling £9,000 has now been submitted to Gainford Parish Council by Ruttle Plant Hire, the owners of land used as allotments in the village.
Martin Clark, clerk, told members at their February meeting, the rent for the land was £1,500 per year, but no payment had been made since 2014. He added: “They [Ruttle Plant Hire] were told we wouldn’t pay them without an invoice and that is now in. They have allowed us £750 discount.”
The parish council took over the running of the allotments from the allotment association in early 2020 who previously ran it on their behalf.
Cllr Sarah Hannan told colleagues: “The money is in there but I need to get a second signatory.”
Chairwoman Cllr Lisa Johnstone said: “Did we get anywhere getting in contact with the person who was the second signatory?”
Cllr Simon Platten said: “Going forward is it not a good idea to have three signatories for instances such as this?”
Mr Clark added this would not be needed as the allotments now fall under the council’s remit.