PARTY hats, games, balloons and cakes were the order of the day as a dale school held a very special celebration.
Staff at Gainford Primary School decided to dedicate a day to all those pupils whose birthdays had fallen during the lockdowns. Headteacher Chris Riley said: “So many of our pupils have missed out on their own birthday party or have missed going to their friends’ parties, outings or sleepovers, I decided to let the whole school have a party day.
“It has certainly given the children something to look forward to. Every child has worked so hard since their return in September – They certainly deserve a treat.”
And the party couldn’t have been timed any better for Tees class member Joe who celebrated his tenth birthday surrounded by all his mates.
A special menu had been cooked up by the school’s catering team. Older children at the school had designed and written invitations for younger pupils, while others made party hats and cards and staff draped banners around the school.
Ms Riley added: “Thanks must go to the Friends of Gainford School for supporting the school with funds to cover the cost of the party – even supplying every child with a party bag.”
Six-year-old Elizabeth, whose birthday was in June, said: “My friends couldn’t come. I’m looking forward to having a party in school with my friends and having fun.”
Twins Oliver and Joe were seven in October. Oliver said: “We couldn’t have a party with our friends – but we did have cake at school.”