OBJECTIONS have been raised about plans to turn a former pub into a shop selling hot food to take away
Kangarathnam Kantharupan has applied for permission to turn the ground floor of the Bay Horse, in Manor Street, Evenwood, into a convenience store. The pub closed about two years ago.
However, Evenwood and Barony Parish Council has objected.
Members expressed their concerns about the “long hours and amount of litter and traffic the change will provide” .
Parish clerk Sharon Proud told county planners: “Opening at 6am and closing at 11.30pm is not considered as acceptable for premises adjacent to an already congested road near the village green in a residential area. The area cannot sustain a further take away food outlet.”
Robert Adams, the secretary of Evenwood Workingmen’s Club, which is based next door to the premises, also protested.
In a letter to planners, he said: “I wish to object on the grounds of congregation of youth that will gather in our car park to the rear of the premises which is private land.
However, neighbour Matt Toole was in support but said parking needed looking at.
“It’s a bit of a free-for-all – cars get blocked-in around that area from the sweet shop and cafes.
“That’s not something for the applicant, if it’s not their land, but something for the council” .