A TEACHER-turned author has returned to his training roots to show others how to be a “Vocabulary Ninja” in the classroom.
Andrew Jennings, trained to be a teacher at High Force Education, based at Green Lane School, in Barnard Castle, nearly a decade ago. He returned to his old stomping ground to give a talk to new trainees on how to master English classes with his recently published book, Vocabulary Ninja. Mr Jennings, who is now assistant headteacher at St Helen’s Primary School in Hartlepool, has gained a following online since his book, which is a helpful guide for teachers, was published this year. With the twitter handle of @VocabularyNinja, Mr Jennings has more than 25,000 followers who not only tweet their appreciation of his work, but also share examples online. He said: “One of the things about being in the classroom is finding the time to put together plans for children in my book it gives resources to help the children and teachers put together lesson plans.”
The book concentrates on vocabulary and provides useful guides and activities to help children master the English language. Mr Jennings, is hoping to become a full-time writer.
He added: “It’s nice to share my experiences of the classroom and as a teacher and
especially here where I trained.”