EVERY year most primary schools host leaving ceremonies for children moving on to secondary education, but many pupils will miss out on their farewells due to the coronavirus pandemic.
However, for 37 year six pupils who normally attend Green Lane School, in Barnard Castle, there was reason to celebrate last week.
Special leaver hoodies were delivered by Friends of Green Lane School -“Jo Long, Caroline Maughan and Katy Waldock – so children had something to remember their time at the school in case it doesn’t reopen before the end of the official summer term.
Ms Long, said: “The hoodies were part of a shipment from Etika, which we were expecting to arrive in March, but with everything stopping in the world the delivery was delayed and had been stuck in ports.
“We delivered them to the children last week because we don’t know if they will be going back. The reception we got was lovely and the children were really chuffed to receive them.”
Pupils had an integral part in choosing to have their uniforms manufactured by the garment company, which uses a factory in Gujurat, India. Ms Long added: “We have messages from the factory that they are doing well and have not been affected too badly and they asked if we were all okay here, which was lovely.”