A DURHAM County Council “Find It and Fix It” squad has been called in to help tidy a dale village to improve chances in an environmental competition.
The new environmental team, which was responsible for work to spruce up Romaldkirk Cemetery, has been tasked with helping clean some of Middleton-in-Teesdale’s street signage that have been covered in algae along with other tasks.
At their December meeting Middleton-in-Teesdale and Newbiggin Parish Council clerk, Judith Mashiter, told members the Find it and Fix It squad was looking forward to working in the village.
She added: “I did meet with Pam Phillips from Middleton in Bloom and she mentioned the street signs needed to be cleaned as they are covered in a green algae.
“I received a call back from Durham and the team manager is quite excited to be working with Middleton in Bloom for the community.”
She added: “They will look at painting the bollards that were mentioned and will look at the graffiti on the tree in the churchyard.
“They are keen to come to a parish council meeting when Middleton in Bloom are here so there is a connected approach.”
Chairman Cllr Ian Cartwright said: “It sounds really positive.”
Cllr Sue Bainbridge asked if the mileage markers could be spruced up as they also form part of the village’s heritage.
Cllr Lynne Oxby said: “Don’t we have a green team that comes out already?”
Ms Mashiter agreed she will ask for clarity on what work the team will be able to carry out.
The village has twice received gold awards in the Northumbria in Bloom competition in recent years.