DELI-owner Shona Robinson will be cooking up a chocolate treat at the latest in a series of family workshops.
Ms Robinson, who runs Oliver Twist’s, in Barnard Castle, will be showing participants how to make her Rocky Road chocolate cake at 5.30pm on Thursday, February 4.
It is part of the TCR Hub’s Homemade workshops, which take place via the Zoom platform on Thursday evenings.
Previous sessions have included Christmas cake making, curry in a hurry and daal and flat bread baking.
Sarah Gent, one of TCR Hub’s family activities co-ordinators, said: “We have been delighted with how popular these sessions are.
“Feedback has been really positive and we’re keen to continue to provide these opportunities for learning and socialising together online.
“We are now seeking local chefs and caterers to work with us to continue these sessions, hopefully all the way to the Easter holidays.”
She added: “Thanks to Shona for providing the next session, and also for her kind donation of the ingredients.”
Sessions are £3 per family, with the option of ordering all the ingredients required to make the Rocky Road for £4.
There are fully-funded places available for families who otherwise would not be able to access the sessions.
For more information and to book your place, visit or find the event on Facebook on TCR The Hub page. For more details on funded places or for anyone interested in leading a session, email sarah.tcrhub
Meanwhile, next up is Suzanne Wallace, from The Witham, who will be demonstrating how to make her delicious quiche on Thursday, February 11.