COUNCILLORS will decide whether to allow Lidl to sell alcohol when the store opens on the edge of Barnard Castle.
Plans were approved this year for Lidl and Home Bargains to be built on the former Addisons auction rooms site, off the A688.
On Friday, July 17, Durham County Council’s licensing sub-committee will meet remotely via video conferencing to debate Lidl’s bid to sell alcohol between 7am and 11pm during opening hours.
There was one letter of opposition from Ms Harris, who lives nearby.
Ms Harris said: “I’m concerned that young adults would be attracted by cheap alcohol and because there are fields around might be tempted to drink there with friends. I’ve done a litter pick in previous years near the Hub. I’ve picked up empty beer bottles and cans and also nearby is a bridge where there always seems to be broken glass. There is no safe way to walk from Barnard Castle to the proposed site. The pavements are too narrow in parts. The road which is a major road is also narrow. People could be tempted to walk along the road to buy cheap drink and may return in an intoxicated state.”
On behalf of Lidl, solicitor Amanda Pillinger wrote in response: “I am aware of police officers who have singled out Lidl as being the most responsible operators in their area.
“Lidl operates a zero tolerance approach and any person who appears to be under the age of 25 or is a known street drinker will be challenged if they attempt to purchase alcohol. Staff are also trained to spot attempted proxy sales, where an adult may be purchasing alcohol for young people.”
Although Lidl said it makes little difference, council officials have asked that the store keeps a refusals register keeping details when a sale of alcohol is turned down or someone appears intoxicated.
No objections to the licensing application were received from police or council officials.