CHILDREN at Woodland Primary School have been enjoying keeping fit with new outdoor gym equipment, thanks to a grant from the Co-op Community Fund.
The Co-op Local Community Fund supports projects across the UK. Every time a member buys a Co-op branded product or service, money is given to local causes. The school received £1,244.13 from the fund, allowing it to get a cross trainer, single slalom and a double slalom.
The three pieces have been installed in the school’s playground and are popular with the children. Staff have even tried them out.
Headteacher Clare Carr added: “We managed to get the equipment installed during lockdown and the children who were in school were able to start using it with regular sanitising. It is just a small community Co-op, but we are always amazed at how much they raise. It is just so amazing. We decided on the gym equipment as we thought it was a great way for the children to keep fit and have some fun at the same time. They’ve all been loving trying them out and some of the staff have had a go.”