BOARDERS from countries on the Government’s quarantine list reported back to Barnard Castle School two weeks before the start of term to give themselves time to self-isolate.
This was just one of a number of measures which have been put in place at the school to ensure the safety of students, staff and support workers.
The school’s boarding houses and facilities – including bedrooms and communal areas – have also been adapted to conform to social distancing and transport arrangements have been adapted in light of the Covid-19 alert.
Precautionary measures introduced include:
* The operation of a bubble system with year groups kept to themselves. The school timetable has been adapted to ensure there will be no mixing of pupils over the course of the school day
* Classrooms reorganised to accommodate the most up-to-date government guidance to ensure social distancing
* Break areas been created for pupils and their year group bubbles
* Appropriate signage plus hand washing and sanitising stations installed around the entire site
* All classrooms – and most frequently used areas – undergoing regular, thorough deep cleans
* Additional space plus a marquee on the school’s playing fields to provide a section for each year group bubble
* Movement between lessons minimised where possible, with teachers moving to pupils instead
* Transport guidelines, including day-to-day bus schedules, the creation of seating plans and an efficient drop-off and pick-up provision for pupils and their parents.
Headmaster Tony Jackson said: “We are delighted to be able to welcome all pupils back to school, after a successful period of home learning before the summer holidays.
“Significant planning, investment and works have been undertaken in recent months to ensure compliance with the full re-opening guidance from government.”
He added: “We have endeavoured to keep the school routine as close as possible to our previous one, which will undoubtedly feel different initially for all pupils and staff.
“Our priority throughout these unprecedented and exceptional times has always been and remains to be the safety of the whole school community, while ensuring continuity of education for all.”