A BOY’S idea to provide neighbours with fresh vegetables, flowers and spare plants from an allotment has helped raise £230 for the NHS in just a few days
Eleven-year-old Aidan Marmont set up a stall on the wall outside his family home in Bowes as something to do.
He said: “It was about a week ago and I just started with bits from our allotment in the village. I had a few small spare plants and vegetable I didn’t think I would raise very much. But when people started putting in ten pounds I thought, ‘wow I’d better keep going’.”
The enterprising youngster, who goes to Teesdale School, said the project was to keep him busy after finishing his home schooling and he wants the money raised to go directly to local NHS services. He added: “Everyone has been so supportive and generous. When they are on their walk they can see what is on the wall and leave money in the pot.”
As well as donating cash, neighbours have also given plants and pots.
Aidan said: “There are a lot of elderly people in our village who are afraid to come out because of the virus and if they want something from the stall I deliver it to their door.”
After requests from residents, Aidan has also added a variety of seeds to his stall and is taking orders for his broccoli as soon as it is ready to harvest.
He added: “I’m always up at the allotment and I love it. I’m just hoping that Bowes Show gets to go ahead this year as it was going to be the first year I was going to enter some of my stuff.”
Proud mum Denise said: “It’s been lovely and it’s kept him productive. People have been really generous and we don’t want to encourage anyone to come up – it was more about the community here.”