SINCE the lockdown last month groups, organisations and clubs all across the world have put together videos in a new challenge to help flush away all the negativity surrounding the coronavirus.
Dubbed the Toilet Roll Challenge the craze sees people “passing” toilet rolls to each other, in more and more creative ways. And now a group of young farmers in Barnard Castle have also taken part.
However, the creative farmers have replaced toilet rolls with cartons of milk to highlight the plight faced by many dairy farmers around the country who are having to flush away thousands of litres due to reduced demand because of the closure of hospitality venues and restaurants.
Chairman of Barnard Castle YFC William Beadle said the six minute video took a week to put together.
He added: “We were nominated by Alnwick YFC so I put a message out to our members.
“One member had mentioned about doing something a bit different and we all agreed.
“We chose to turn our loo roll video into a milk bottle video to support our dairy farmers in these unprecedented times.”
Mr Beadle said 37 members took part, including four past members.
Each participating member had three days to complete their videos before he edited all of them together to make the final cut.
“The hospitality market dissolved overnight.
“Milk prices have also dropped to as low as 20 pence per litre for some farmers, damaging the livelihoods and incomes of many dairy farming businesses and families,” said Mr Beadle.
“In light of this please, please try and support our farmers.
“Buy British milk. Thank you from all of Barney YFC and our families and thank you to the key workers and the ones feeding our nation.”