HOME EXCELLENCE: Every single item in Libby Thompson’s cornucopia was home produced		       	   TM pic
HOME EXCELLENCE: Every single item in Libby Thompson’s cornucopia was home produced TM pic

DIFFICULT growing conditions and slug infestations led to a lower-than-normal vegetable entry at Mickleton’s annual produce show.

However, the event, organised by Mickleton Gardening Club, for more than 40 years still attracted a healthy number of entries across the other classes including baking, preserves, liqueurs, indoor houseplants and flower arranging.

Show secretary Gillian Watson said: “We haven’t had as many entries simply because growing has been so difficult for everyone.”

Entrant Simon Froom, who had success across many of the growing categories, added: “It has been a difficult year, the slugs have been terrible. For me they have been very troublesome across the whole of the cabbage family and potatoes.”

The best in show award went to Jennifer Copland for her begonia which was grown from a cutting from fellow resident John Lonsdale.


Best small garden: Gillian Watson

Best large garden: Paul hunter

Judges’ choice: Joanna Tait

Biggest sunflower: Libby Thompson

Largest weight of potatoes: Simon Froom

Best in show: Jenny Copland

Potatoes: 1, David Shepperd; 2, Libby Thompson; 3, Simon Froom

Root vegetables: 1, Simon Froom; 2, Simon Froom; 3, Simon Froom

Leafy vegetables: 1, Felicity Arrowsmith; 2, Susan Ingall

Beans: Susan Ingall; 2, Libby Thompson

Onion, shallot and garlic: 1, Susan Ingall; 2, Libby Thompson

Other vegetables: 1, Simon Froom; 2, Susan Ingall; 3, Simon Froom

Tomatoes: 1, Simon Froom; 2, Felicity Arrowsmith; 3, Susan Ingall

Apples: 1, David Shepherd; 2, Paul Hunter

Fruit arrangement: 1, Susan Ingall

Garden flower arrangement: 1, Gillian Watson; 2, Gillian Watson; 3 Susan Ingall

Cornucopia: 1, Libby Watson

Most unusually shaped vegetable: 1, Simon Froom; 2, Libby Thompson; 3, David Shepherd

Indoor house plant: 1, Jennifer Copland; 2, Gillian Watson; 3, Felicity Arrowsmith

Compost: 1, Martin Ingall; 2, Simon Froom; 3, Libby Thompson

Arrangement of herbs: 1, Susan Ingall; 2, Gillian Watson

Decorated cake: 1, Gillian Watson; 2, Kathryn Fowler

Sponge cake: 1, Felicity Arrowsmith; 2, Gillian Watson; 3, Kathryn Fowler

Cheese scones: 1, Kathryn fowler; 2, David Shepherd; 3, Gillian Watson

Fruit scones: 1, Felicity Arrowsmith; 2, Kathryn Fowler; 3, Gillian Watson

Bread: 1, Simon Froom; 2, David shepherd; 3, Simon Froom

Jam and marmalade: 1, Martin Ingall; 2, Gillian Watson; 3, Paul Hunter

Chutney: 1, Gillian Watson; 2, Christine Hortas; 3, Gillian Watson

Liqueur, wine, ginger beer: 1, Christine Hortas; 2, Paul Hunter