SUPPORTERS have rallied round to help the Ark on the Edge Animal Rescue Centre as its operator recovers from shoulder replacement surgery.
Pat Kingsnorth’s woes were compounded when she had a fall only two weeks after the operation and needed urgent care.
However, she is back at the centre – now based on a 1.5 acre smallholding in Woodland after relocating from nearby Woolley Hill Farm last year – caring for elderly animals that cannot be re-homed.
Ms Kingsnorth said: “We haven’t been able to do much but we are helping people needing to rehome [cats] as a middleman rather than housing them ourselves.
“We are caring for six elderly cats.
“We can’t cope with kittens right now because I can’t bottle feed them.
“It has been a nightmare really. It has been stressful and frustrating, but we are managing.”
Earlier this month the centre was in crisis as cat food deliveries slowed and some suppliers ran out.
However, a social media appeal saw people helping out by dropping off cat food, and carrots and apples for the horses and donkeys.
Ms Kingsnorth said: “I’d just like to thank those of who left food at door for the animals. I am really grateful.
“People have also been putting items in our bin at Morrisons. It is obviously not as good as it was but it was collected last week and it was about half full.”
Her charity is particularly grateful for cash donations that have been made by, among others, the Sister Lily Foundation and a funeral collection, which helped pay for medical bills of about £400 for a horse and £380 for two elderly cats.
She said the centre was also blessed to have a small group of dedicated volunteers who have been helping out.
Ms Kingsnorth said: “I have one local man who lives very close who is looking after horses.
“There is absolutely no way I can muck out or do their hay. I really am so very grateful to him. Also, a couple ladies have been coming once a week to see to cats. Once again I am very grateful.”
Mrs Kingsnorth praised staff at Bishop Auckland Hospital who cared for her after her fall. She concluded: “Everything is great. I was treated well and quickly.
“Everywhere in the hospital is clean, and they are all kitted out with personal protective equipment and organised.
“I only have admiration for everyone there, and a big thank you from me.”
Anyone who can help the rescue centre with donations of apples, carrots and Felix cat food for elderly cats can contact 01388 718977.
The centre has a supply of kitten food that it can’t currently use and is offering it to anyone who needs it.