THOUSANDS of sheep went through the rings at Barnard Castle and Middleton-in-Teesdale last week when this year’s sales of Mule gimmer lambs were held.
On Wednesday, September 16, 2,000 lambs were on offer at Barnard Castle in a show and sale open to both members and non-members of the North of England Mule Sheep Association (NEMSA).
Judging for pens of ten lambs was carried out by Alan Redpath, and Aled Preece who awarded the championship to J&SE Bainbridge, Dousgill Farm, Dalton, which later sold for £190.
The following day, the mart’s annual show and sale of 4,200 for NEMSA members was held.
Casting an eye over the pens of ten were judges Trevor Foster and Martin Woodward who awarded top spot C&R Metcalf, Park House Farm, Barningham, which later sold for £240.
Meanwhile, Middleton Mart held its annual sale of Mule gimmer lambs on the evening of Wednesday, September 16, which attracted an entry of 1,550.
Topping the sale at £160 was the top pen from Messrs JC & J White, Rigg Farm, Barnard Castle.