IN THE FRAME: Mary Nesbitt, Christine Ruhstorfer, Anne Neve-Smith and Joyce Wilson are looking forward to Winston’s first art and photography exhibition
IN THE FRAME: Mary Nesbitt, Christine Ruhstorfer, Anne Neve-Smith and Joyce Wilson are looking forward to Winston’s first art and photography exhibition

ARTISTS and photographers from Teesdale are being invited to exhibit their work for free – and possibly earn a few sales.

At the same time those taking part will be helping raise cash for essential repair work to Winston’s historic St Andrew’s Church.

The idea of the exhibition came from enthusiastic church fundraiser Joyce Wilson. She said: “We wanted to do something different. We haven’t actually done an art exhibition in Winston, yet there are a lot of people in Winston who draw.”

The church officers have also roped in Gainford Art and Design Society (GADS) whose members will be displaying their works. The exhibition will be across two venues – the church itself and Winston Village Hall.

The invitation to display work for free is open to anyone in Teesdale.

Ms Wilson said: “The artists and photographers are not paying to exhibit, but what we are asking for is if we sell any of their work, then we would like ten per cent of the sale for the church’s fabric fund.”

She added that the event might give artists who had never exhibited before more confidence in the value of their work.

She said: “You will find people that like your paintings because everybody has a different taste.”

Christine Ruhstorfer, from GADS and whose parents Clare and Bertie Coad were among the founding members of Gainford’s annual exhibition, said: “I think it is a wonderful opportunity and I think it is great that Winston and Gainford are coming together to do this.

“It is a worthwhile cause and it is a honour to be invited to display.”

l The exhibition takes place on Saturday, September 28, from 11am until 6.30pm at Winston Village Hall and St Andrew’s Church. Entrance to view the exhibition is £2. Tea, coffee and cakes will be available throughout the day at the hall.

l Artists and photographers who would like their work to be put on display can ring Ms Wilson on 07786 072830.