IN view of the Covid-19 restrictions, Staindrop Leek Club’s flower and vegetable show was not held this year.
However, the leek club members did present their pot leeks for judging.
The usual judge, Mac Dawson, and his assistant Sheila Dawson, kindly travelled from Stanley.
Mac Douglas was delighted to have his leeks placed first, closely followed by his brother Trevor, who in addition to scooping second place, won the Best Leek in Show award, having the cleanest, whitest, straightest leek despite it being slightly smaller than his brother’s plants.
A close third place was awarded to Peter Brennan.
Our thanks go to Louise Race, of the Wheatsheaf, in Staindrop, for providing meeting and display facilities, John Fletcher who year-in and year-out travels the length and breadth of the Staindrop area stamping the leeks in their beds, all the committee members and to the Scarth Hall who regularly lend tables to display the leeks on.
Hopefully next season will see a return to the normal show and the auction which enables us to provide donations to local charities, a function we have sadly been unable to fulfil this year.
More than 20 existing members have signed on to continue the club for the 2020/2021 season.
Membership is open to all who live in Staindrop and surrounding area.
Applicants living in remote areas are subject to consideration due to distances travelled for the stamping of leeks.
The deadline for membership applications closes in December. For details, call the secretary on 01833 660802.
Sheila Wylie
Staindrop Leek Club