A GROUP of seasoned wild swimmers raised more than £400 for Macmillan Cancer Research with their interpretation of a charity coffee morning – The Soggy Bottom Swim.
Instead of gathering at a community venue about 30 members of Darlington Wild Swimmers braved the chilly waters of the River Tees at Gainford on Friday and Saturday, September 24 and 25, for bracing swim before relaxing with a coffee and slice of cake.
Staindrop-based Julie Shaw, from Darlington Wild Swimmers, said: “Wild swimming and cake eating go hand in hand and cake is often brought along to share after our swims.”
The group, which was formed in March by seasoned wild swimmers Sarah Blackburn and Sophie Wood, has grown massively with almost 1,000 members, who meet up regularly to take part in open water swimming.
The idea to host the unusual event was the brainchild of Jo Palmer, one of the group’s founding members.
Ms Shaw said: “Jo had the brilliant idea of combining our favourite activities of swimming and cake eating.
“We often eat cake after a swim as it a great way to put energy in afterwards.”