DALE zumba instructors are turning to technology to continue weekly fitness sessions continue during coronavirus lock down.
Sue Bainbridge, from Middleton-in-Teesdale, usually hosts weekly, hour-long exercise fitness classes which were created by Colombian dancer Alberto Perez at Cotherstone and Stainton village halls as well as Barnard Castle Workingmen’s Club.
However because of the Covid-19 pandemic these had to cease. For the past two weeks she has been instructing regulars to her normal sessions online, using video conferencing technology, normally used for business meetings.
Ms Bainbridge said: “I’ve been instructing zumba sessions for around five years. But when the virus came in me and Julie Anne Teesdale have gone online. Julie heard about Zoom, which allows you to have up to 100 people in a session, though we haven’t had that many, yet. We are getting around ten or 11 a session at the moment.”
Using her laptop, Ms Bainbridge sends out invites by Facebook messenger or email, for each session. Then from the comfort of their own homes, participants click on the link and join the zumba class.
She added: “It has taken a bit of getting the hang of, but it seems to be working. I have my video disabled but people can see me doing all the moves and hear the music.
“I did my first session outside and it got quite a few looks from people going past. The only problem is my internet is not strong enough there, so I have moved into the kitchen.”
As well as well regular attendees, Ms Bainbridge has also found she has a few new members joining her sessions, which are fee.
“We have done it the last two weeks for our regular zumba ladies but as it’s on Zoom I’ve had a friend who is in Spain, and a friend who lives in Hastings doing it. It seems so strange because I can’t see them, but they can follow me.”
Zumba sessions are being scheduled on Mondays at 10am and about 2.30pm on Fridays. To join the free sessions text Ms Bainbridge on 07554 879453 or email sue bainbridge01@btinternet. com.
Meanwhile Julie Ann Teesdale, from Cockfield, who ran zumba sessions at various village halls including Butterknowle, Copley and Dalton, is running regular evening sessions at 6pm.
Using a Facebook group Zumba Village Halls she is helping her regulars keep fit.
She said: “If you want to wiggle and have a giggle, then please join in.
“These are free classes to help with your health and well being during this terrible situation. All you have to do is download Zoom first.”