ONE of the oldest forms of martial arts in the world is alive and well in Teesdale.
Taekwondo fifth dan level instructor Jennie Lee is helping the sport to flourish with classes at the Teesdale Sports Centre. The classes are run through the Baek Ho Taekwondo club founded by Master Brian Whiley in 1998.
Taekwondo is the art of self defence that originated in Korea, dating back more than 2,000 years. The sport is open to all ages and includes a class for ages five to eight.
Mrs Lee covers most of the classes alongside Sean Hayes.
Both of her children, Jake and Isla, participate: “It’s taught them control and balance but more importantly it’s a great social sport for them. It’s fantastic for behaviour, the sport is very disciplined and regimental.”
The classes are not just for beginners. Matthew Hendry who has been practising for 14 years is a black belt.
He said: “It’s a hobby for me at the moment but I may take it into a career in the future. It’s great for my stamina and flexibility along with expanding my social circle.”
Running from 10.30am till noon on a Saturday, the Taekwaondo class is open to all abilities and all ages from eight upwards. There is also a class for younger enthusiasts that is run by instructor Isobel Williams.
For more information about classes, contact the Baek Ho Taekwondo club, 01388 710855.