LEST WE FORGET: Year five pupils at Toft Hill Primary School have been learning how to knit ahead of Remembrance Day
LEST WE FORGET: Year five pupils at Toft Hill Primary School have been learning how to knit ahead of Remembrance Day

YOUNGSTERS in Toft Hill have knitted dozens of poppies to pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for their country.

Year five pupils at Toft Hill Primary School have formed a knitting club which is working hard to raise money for The Royal British Legion ahead of Remembrance Day next month. Headteacher Janice Stobbs is helping to run the after school club along with higher-level teaching assistant Lisa Shaw.

Ms Stobbs said: “We started a knitting group and we were looking for a simple project and fell on the idea of the poppy. We taught them how to knit first and then taught them how to do poppies.

“It has been really good. We can’t keep up with the demand.”

The poppies, knitted using the plain garter stitch, are being sold in school for £2 each. For every poppy sold, £1 will be donated to The Royal British Legion and £1 will go into a school fund to keep the knitting club running. It is hoped that the club will also be able to run on a lunchtime so that more pupils can get involved. Ms Stobbs added: “The children are very keen and it is nice to see that we have boys and girls in the club.

“We do something different every year for remembrance. It’s important and it helps it keep a high profile.”