COUNCIL chiefs are still scratching their heads over what to do with a £540,000 state-of-the-art community building that’s been empty for years in Barnard Castle.
When it was built in 2011, the children and family centre off Bede Road was hailed by architects for its modern design – although locals complained it was out of character for the town.
It was funded through the government’s Sure Start scheme – a UK-wide programme to support children under four and their families. But it has been empty since a Durham County Council review in 2015 and a large hedge has since been allowed to grow around the site.
The authority put the centre on the market in 2019 but the attempt to off-load the building was unsuccessful. It has since been taken off the list of council assets available to buy.
Susan Robinson, Durham County Council’s head of corporate property, said: “We are investigating all potential options for the former outreach centre, which includes the possibility of using it to deliver council services. This process is currently in its early stages and involves discussions with grant funders and further consultation. We will be exploring all options to ensure the future of the building is in line with the best interests of the community.”
The council said the building was not built under PFI (private finance initiative).
The centre included a creche, training room, office, toilets, kitchen and a reception, with a grassed play area outside. The idea was for people to call in at any time for help, advice and support, or take part in the activities arranged at the centre each week, from arts and crafts to cookery classes. Drop-in sessions were to be arranged for young parents and there were networking meetings for childminders. The building featured “child-size protrusions” , which jut out of the building, where “children can go to create their own space” .
Town councillor Frank Harrison said: “That building has always been a white elephant – I can’t believe it has been empty for so long.”