A VILLAGE is hoping a new playground will attract more families with children.
Whorlton’s neighbourhood plan has identified an “imbalance” between the number of retired people and families with children in the village.
Now the parish council wants to remedy that by revamping its derelict play-park.
The plan received a massive boost this month when the Big Lottery Fund announced it will put £10,000 towards the scheme.
This will be added to £3,000 in grants the parish has already received from Whorlton Community Association and Teesdale Action Partnership.
Parish councillor George Stastny said: “It is great, absolutely great. It came just in time, so we are elated. It means we can get on with the ground work. We will do that and see where we are and decide what we can afford.”
Current projections are the council will need about £20,000 to complete ground works and install new equipment.
A pledge of another £8,000 from county councillors for the area George Richardson and James Rowlandson should see the parish council exceed its target.
Cllr Stastny said: “There always used to be a playground. I have been here 40 years and there always was one.
“But the lease ran out and ownership of the land changed hands.”
That was about five years ago but it was only last year that the council succeeded in buying the land from nearby care-home owners The Danshell Group.
Cllr Stastny said: “They agreed to sell it to us at a nominal sum. It took us four years to buy because of legal issues.” Mr Stastny added the ground works include fencing, a gate, paving and grassing over the play area. Once completed, equipment will include a climbing frame, a basket swing and slides. The paved area will feature benches and tables where parents can watch their children or have picnics.
Mr Stastny said the revamped playground will provide access to a new cemetery which is on land that was bought at the same time as the playground.
Only a handful of spaces remain in the existing cemetery.