CRITICISM: Teesdale Leisure Centre
CRITICISM: Teesdale Leisure Centre

ABSOLUTE disgrace. A let down. Extremely poor, dated and shabby.
Those were just some of the comments from users about Teesdale Leisure Centre in a survey run by council chiefs.
It comes as Durham County Council has announced a plan to improve facilities at leisure centres and build three new ones at Seaham, Chester-le-Street and Bishop Auckland. New activities are also planned. Alison Clark, Durham County Council's head of culture, sport and tourism, said: "As part of our ambitious plans to transform leisure services across the county, we have conducted a feasibility report for Teesdale Leisure Centre. This will help us to develop plans to improve the customer environment and address several maintenance concerns.
"We’ll be engaging with local residents on these plans later this year to ensure we better meet the needs of residents and visitors in Teesdale, and across the county, as the programme aims to develop innovative services in a sustainable way and improve the health and wellbeing of residents."
There were 2,632 responses to a council consultation, held in November and December, into its leisure centres.
Teesdale Leisure Centre came under fire from users.
One wrote: “The changing facilities are a disgrace.”
Another added: “[It’s] very annoying that Barnard Castle does not appear high on the priority list, yet the facilities, particularly the gym, are dreadful – too small, over crowded, too expensive, communal showers visible at the corridor, and with opening hours too restrictive.
“Durham County Council always overlooks Barnard Castle with no significant investment in the town for 11 years.”
Another member said: “I do not think enough is proposed for Teesdale. It is an area with very little gym/pool provision and so is highly used, but the condition and standards in the changing room is extremely poor. We pay the same membership as other Durham leisure centres.”
One person said: “Teesdale gym is dated and shabby... needs really doing up.”
Another member said there needed to be a larger free weights area, adding: “I signed up expecting to be able to access to standard gym equipment, only to find that I can't do my workout because someone else is using the bench and the barbell is too light. Absolute let down.”
Other comments included the changing rooms being an “absolute disgrace”, complaints being ignored, a fee for lockers in Barnard Castle but none in Spennymoor and mixed showers not being suitable. One person called for an increase in pilates, yoga, weight-loss, meditation and wellbeing classes. There was one positive comment – a thank you to staff for helping a user feeling Covid secure.