A VOLUNTEER group dedicated to keeping Teesdale a haven for wildlife is on the hunt for locations to plant trees
Trees for Teesdale was set up four years ago as an off-shoot to Trees for Cotherstone, which aimed to replace lost trees.
Group chairman Geoff King said: “About 30 per cent of Teesdale tree cover has been lost over the last 50 years and it is our aim to replace these for the benefit of wildlife, the environment and general amenity
Last year the group planted 93 trees in five locations and members are keen to hear from anyone in Teesdale who wants or needs trees.
There are three branches of volunteers – in Barnard Castle, Mickleton and Gainford - and all are happy to plant across the dale.
Mr King added: “We can plant trees in a variety of locations – whether that’s individual trees in stock-proof cages, groups in fencing, hedge infill or new hedges to provide wildlife corridors and shelter belts.
The group, which receives funding and private donations from Northumbria Water and Greggs, said there would be no cost to the landowner.
Anyone who can provide a site for planting can contact Geoff King on 01833 695 495 or email [email protected]