BARNARD Castle town crier Ian Kirkbride cut a dashing figure when he visited pupils at a town primary school.
Mr Kirkbride donned a specially-commissioned costume which proved to be a hit with key stage one pupils at Montalbo Primary School.
The visit formed part of the pupils’ current theme about communication.
Teacher Jessica Blackburn said the children were learning about town criers, printing presses, newspapers, radio, television and the internet.
The children were fascinated to learn about the role of town crier and the origins of the phrase “posting a note” and why some newspapers have “post” in their name.
Mr Kirkbride also told them it was only the second time he had worn the new outfit, which had been commissioned by Barnard Castle Town Council and was produced by costume maker Lesley Cutter.
Ms Cutter is also head of wardrobe for drama group The Castle Players and produces costumes for their annual summer Shakespeare production.
The new town crier outfit was first seen in public during the town’s annual Meet parade last month
Mr Kirkbride said: “In terms of its quality it is top notch. I think it is fantastic.”
Previously, the town council had to hire a costume well in advance for the town crier to wear to events.
Later in the week pupils from the school met a reporter from the Teesdale Mercury to learn more about news and newspapers.