This week’s Teesdale Mercury includes a three-page special feature profiling candidates for local elections, including a full run down of the battle for Barnard Castle Town Council and the county seats.
Also in the news:
Musician Rosie Bradford shows how singing can help people recover from ‘long Covid’.
Joy over new all-weather pitch in Staindrop.
Extension plan for village sports field in Cockfield.
Police agree to crack down on parking issues.
Travellers to pass through Teesdale in summer holidays as Appleby fair is moved.
Birds of prey poisoned.
Why it’s a flag day for Montalbo school.
Celebrations as new nursery opens in Barney.
County planners consider plans for new outside events area at The Witham.
Confusion over new laws on the sale of wet wood and coal.
Plus letters, farming, puzzles, property, personal announcements, classified ads, motors and two pages of local sport.