This week’s news-packed Teesdale Mercury is out today and it includes a 16-page rural life supplement – here are the headlines in the main paper:
St Peter’s saga may finally be at an end, say developers in Gainford.
Fire drama at HGV depot.
‘Royal’ honour for Middleton-in-Teesdale school trio.
Sister to run marathon in memory of tragic biker Thomas Brown.
Call for dementia care centre to help families.
Staindrop primary ranked among top two per cent – celebration picture.
Tributes to well-known Staindrop resident.
Award-winning cider pub is the apple of judges’ eye.
Cameras to stop Hamsterley Forest car park freeloaders.
Mystery donor gives thousands to Teesdale School.
Pictures – special lunch for mums, grans and aunts at Middleton-in-Teesdale School
Mineshaft fears prompt a rethink on pub plans.
Upper dale post office to move due to glitches.x
Time called on mental health support group.
Plus letters, community news, Remember When, four pages of what’s on, community news and three pages of grassroots sports – from football and cricket to bridge and golf.