This week's P1
This week's P1

Making the news this week:

A Barnard Castle couple have told how their musician daughter made it home from a performance in France just minutes before Saturday morning's quarantine deadline after chartering a boat to get across the channel

We've coverage of A level results day at Teesdale School and Barnard Castle School

Motorists in Barnard Castle have got the hump over a bump in the road described as a "build-out bus stop"

Friends of a dale cystic fibrosis sufferer are planning a 40-mile fundraising walk which aims to raise £3,000

We've a sneak preview of the dale's state-of-the-art observatory at Grassholme

Little George Bainbridge and his dad Steven will "boycott their beds" this week in aid of Action for Children

Meet the dale's new police sergeant, Angela Drasco

Talented musician Kirsty McLachlan has won a place in the National Youth Folk Ensemble.

There was a big birthday bash for Gainford's oldest resident Joy Wilson when she turned 100

A familiar face has taken on a new role to put families at the centre of events at the TCR Hub

In sport, there's full cricket round-up, plus football and golf

In What's On, artist Ann Whitfield takes part in this week's Q&A

Plus, there's the weekly rural update, Bob Garton's brainteasers, a bumper postbag and all your family notices

All in this week's paper, which is now hitting the news stands