CHILDREN at Gainford Primary School are honing their reading skills by relating stories to a therapy dog.
Daisy and her owner Ian Cover have been visiting the school for the past month to allow pupils to read to them.
Headteacher Chris Riley said that another dog had been coming into the school prior to the pandemic lockdown, which had worked “wonderfully” .
She added: “Children thoroughly enjoy reading and sharing books whilst sat with Daisy. She is never judgemental.
“Even the most reluctant readers can’t wait to pick up a book and read with her. It’s lovely to see.”
Mr Cover, who takes Daisy to visit residents at The Fields care home in Etherley, and Lyons Court, in Evenwood, on a monthly basis, said Gainford is the first school that Daisy has visited.
He said: “She seems to enjoy it. She can’t wait to get here and she jumps out of the car to get in.”