KIDS and their parents in Staindrop are celebrating the new year with a new piece of kit in their play park.
A new tractor and trailer play item was installed early in December and was an immediate hit.
It was bought by Staindrop Parish Council to replace something that was rarely used by children.
Clerk to the parish council Judith Mashiter said: “It replaces a piece of equipment which was never much used as it didn’t ‘do anything’ or stimulate any imagination.
“The equipment was chosen as councillors thought there was a need for something for younger children between two and five years old.”
An earlier survey by the parish council found that residents were very positive about the village’s play area with 37 per cent rating it as excellent and 38 per cent describing it as good.
Ms Mashiter noted, however, some comments were made that more equipment would be welcome.
The clerk said: “The new red tractor is pointing southwards – away to the fields and horizon to stimulate children’s imagination that they’re driving it away.”
The purchase was made possible through a successful application for a grant for £5,648 for Section 106 money and a £3,500 contribution from the parish council’s own budget.
Among those to first use the play equipment were parish councillor Sofia Dos Santos’ daughters Ava and Mia. Mia said: “It’s very good, I really like the tunnel.”