SIXTH formers with a social conscience are to stage a high-end fine-dining experience to raise cash for Christmas hampers for those less fortunate than themselves.
The idea for a pop-up restaurant at Teesdale School came from cooking enthusiasts James Cuthbert and Grace Perkins, who along with Rotary Interact student Evie Arundel wanted to do something good for those who might struggle during the winter.
All of the students enjoyed food technology while completing their GCSEs, and wanted to continue to use the skills they had learned.
Head of sixth form Dr Simon Henderson said the initial idea was to serve a three-course meal, including a roast, but after consultation with food technology teacher Katie Swinburn the menu was changed to platter boards of crudites and canapes.
Vegetarian options will also be available.
Capital for the culinary evening comes from the Rotary Interact club which could not spend cash it had raised during the Covid lockdowns.
However, spending it will be another learning experience for the students.
Miss Arundel said: “When we buy fresh produce we have to be economically mindful so as not to affect the profits.”
All of the cash raised will be given to TCR Hub, which is already giving out care packages and knows which families would best benefit from Christmas parcels.
The Hub will play another important role that evening as its kitchens will be used to do early preparation for the feast.
Dr Henderson said on advice from Ms Swinburn the students would start prep at 8.30am at The Hub and at 3pm a “fleet of cars” would collect them and the food to be finished off at the school’s kitchen.
The restaurant will open at 6pm, on December 1, and diners will enjoy live music as well as live art, with a student painting a portrait of the restaurant which will be auctioned off at the end of the evening.
The restaurant will have 12 tables, with five guests at a table, at a cost of £100 per table.
Dr Henderson said: “The plan is to raise £1,000 in one night. It is very ambitious and very exciting, and also nerve-wracking because we have not tried it before – but it could be epic.”
Dr Henderson added that the project fits in with the ethos of the sixth form which is “use your talent to do something you enjoy, for the benefit of other people” and in achieving that they will have fulfilling lives.
“It’s a sixth form with a social conscience,” he added.
Anyone who would like to book a table can email Dr Henderson at [email protected].
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