TWO dale Scouts have launched a fundraising drive after being selected for one of the organisation’s biggest events.
Lewis Porter, from Barnard Castle, and Jacob Windle, from Cotherstone, will be among a group of 40 Scouts from County Durham and North Yorkshire who will attend the World Jamboree, in West Virginia, USA, next year.
The duo, both members of the 1st Barnard Castle Scouts, must each raise £3,695 to cover the cost of their trip.
Having already taken part in a charity abseil at Middlesbrough and undertaken a supermarket bag pack, the pair organised an Easter fun afternoon at Barnard Castle Cricket Club.
There were stalls, a bouncy castle, raffle and a host of other activities, which added a further £725.10 to their kitty.
Lewis explained that he and Jacob had attended a selection weekend for the World Jamboree at an outdoor adventure centre in Durham last October.
“There were more than 100 Scouts there and that got narrowed down to 40 from Durham and North Yorkshire.
“The World Jamboree does seem a long way off, but I think it will pass quickly now we have got the hang of the fundraising.”
Both Scouts thanked everyone who turned out to support the Easter fun afternoon.
Lewis and Jacob are now planning their next event, which is likely to be a brass band concert.