A FESTIVE prize draw organised by a dale builder’s merchant raised more than £3,200 and enabled gift bags to be delivered to members of Teesdale Day Clubs once again.
It is the second year S&A Builder’s Merchants, in Barnard Castle, organised a prize numbers draw to raise funds for charity. This year the draw, which had more than 131 prizes donated by suppliers of the business up for grabs, brought in £3,276.61.
The money was then spent on purchasing festive treats for members of Teesdale Day Clubs, retired Utass farmers at Barnard Castle, Middleton-in-Teesdale and St John’s Chapel as well as day clubs at Willington.
During the past two weeks kind-hearted staff members have been up and down the dale delivering the goodie bags, filled with a range of different food items.
The Mercury caught up with them at the Randolph Community Centre, in Evenwood, when they handed over the last batch of goodies.
However, even after filling 340 bags with a variety of different food items, staff at S&A found they still had a lot of items left over, which were donated to the Memory Friendship Cafe, that operates at the village’s Cornerstone Christian Centre.
Kim West, from Evenwood Lunch Club, gave thanks for the gifts, which were “much appreciated” .
She added: “It is amazing how generous they have been not just with the amount they have given, but the time it has taken to deliver all the bags.”