YOUNGSTERS at Bowes Hutchinsons Primary School enjoyed an end of term treat last week taking part in the school’s first ever colour run.
The event was organised by the Friends of Bowes School (FOBS) and deputy head mistress Sarah Hutchinson.
Unlike other runs the course featured a range of obstacles from scramble nets to balance bars with colour stations manned by parents dotted in between.
Ms Hutchinson said: “We have had lots of donations from parents with items for the course and lots of them are here today to take part.”
Pupils, parents and staff donned white T-shirts before the colour fun began and to ensure there were no strained muscles, teacher Chris Scaife led pupils through a warm-up routine, before they took up staggered positions around the course.
Gemma Sanderson, from FOBS, said: “We put the course together in the morning and when the children came out at lunchtime they were really excited.”