THOUGHTFUL school children have raised more than £150 for the Alzheimer’s Society while also creating a range of gifts for residents at a nearby care home during an activity day.
Head boy Oliver Horley and head girl Connie Beadle along with William Hebdon, Ellie Bennett and Isla-Clem Murphy organised a dementia themed activity day at Cockfield Primary School to raise awareness and some cash for the Alzheimer’s Society.
Head teacher Kathryn Costello said: “The children came to me about a month ago and said they’d like to help older people, wanting to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society because many have members of their family who have been affected by dementia.
“They were very professional in their presentation and all I had to do was say yes.”
The children, with a little help from teachers, led morning assemblies talking about how to be dementia friendly, highlighting five key messages to each of the school’s classes.
Pupils who made a donation were given a Dementia Friendly pin to take home.
Activities throughout the day, similar to those living with dementia take part in, included a memory game and recording a song.
Gifts created by the children, including coloured sun catchers in the shape of butterflies, and treat bags will be delivered to residents at Lyon’s Court Care Home.
Donations collected through the day raised £150.50 for the Alzheimer’s Society. Ms Costello said: “It makes you so proud.
“After all the children have been through in the last year, they are thinking of others and have been so thoughtful. They are truly lovely children.”