DURHAM Police’s chief constable is to be invited to a public meeting aimed at solving a village’s anti-social behaviour problems.
Evenwood’s parish councillors are to call the meeting because of an on-going problem of gangs of young people creating trouble.
Speaking during the council’s March meeting, chairwoman Cllr Barbara Nicholson said: “Last Wednesday night it was total chaos.
“They were all in Accrington and they were in the bus shelter.”
She added that the yobs were picking up ice that was still lying around and throwing it at passing cars.
Earlier parish clerk Martin Clark had read out a report from the police which said there had been seven incidents of youth nuisance in the village during February.
Four of the incidents happened in Accrington Terrace and three occurred in Manor Street.
Cllr Mary Prince had also recounted an incident where she had a confrontation with a young person who had dropped litter.
She said the young person had given her a “mouthful” .
Cllr Nicholson said: “Since last Wednesday night, we were talking about a public meeting because there are lots of issues.
“I mean, forget about Ron Hogg (County Durham Police, Crime and Victims Commissioner).”
Mr Clark said: “Why not invite the chief constable, Mike Barton? He has been to Etherley twice.”
Evenwood and Barony Parish Council agreed to call the meeting and invite Mr Barton.