A PUBLIC consultation has been announced on the future of the former Bede Kirk police station in Barnard Castle following the decision to protect the nearby open space from housing development.
Residents and councillors will be asked for their views about the future of the old police station site.
The area had been earmarked by Durham Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner Ron Hogg for sale.
But Mr Hogg says a successful application from residents to designate some of the space as a village green means that this position needs to be reconsidered.
Mr Hogg said he respected the views of the residents. He added: “People across County Durham and Darlington will understand that I have a duty to make the most of our assets, which of course belong ultimately to the taxpayer.
“The force as a whole is strapped for cash and I have a range of demands which require investment – including new custody cells, facilities to support victims of sexual assault, and IT infrastructure so that we can keep pace with technological advances.
“These all come at a cost, and the sale of Bede Kirk would have supported investment in these areas.
“I agree with the county council’s legal officers and remain doubtful that the application actually met the legal threshold necessary for village green status.
“I am confident that an appeal for judicial review would be successful.
“However, the message from local residents is very clear, and I respect the decision of the highways committee. I now look forward to meeting representatives of local residents and Barnard Castle Town Council, to discuss the future of the site, will want to discuss both how we can continue to protect Bede Kirk Village Green, and make the best use of the old police station.
“Options will include seeking to sell the remaining land for development, and using the existing building innovatively to support community safety in the area or to meet broader policing priorities. I will announce further steps in due course.”
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