IMPACT: Barnard Castle
IMPACT: Barnard Castle

EFFORTS to build a house near an ancient monument have been given the thumbs down by councillors.

Plans have been lodged for the former Carter and Sons beer merchant in Horsemarket, Barnard Castle, to be home to a single dwelling near the castle.

The developer wants to demolish the old two-storey stone outbuilding and replace it with one three-bedroom bungalow.

But a sewer pipe running through the site has sparked Northumbrian Water to contact the developer, which in turn raised concerns with Barnard Castle Town Council.

At last week’s planning committees meeting, Cllr John Blissett said: “If they’ve got a main sewer running through, it’s going to create problems anyway.”

Chairman Cllr Frank Harrison suggested deferring the council’s decision until the sewer pipe issue had been sorted out.

However, town clerk Michael King told members the panel’s options were either to support the bid with reservations, object or not respond at all.

Castle custodians English Heritage have supported the bid alongside Durham County Council highways department.

Planning statements on behalf of the developer say the revamp would “enhance the character and appearance” of the town’s conservation area and “would not impact” on the historic interest of nearby listed buildings and the castle.

The statement added: “The proposal will result in the removal of a dilapidated structure and a bad neighbour use.”

The town council objected to a plan to build two homes on the site in 2015 – pointing to the impacts it could have on the castle. They decided to stand by their original doubts.

Cllr Blissett said: “As it stands, I think we have got to go against it. I’d say we object for the same reasons we objected in 2015.”

Cllr George Hallimond added: “Unless we know the full story, it’s no good saying it’s okay.”

Members agreed to object to the plan due to the potential impact on the castle and archaeological features.