PEOPLE can help support the needy in Teesdale in a much simpler way, thanks to a scheme set up by Morrisons in Barnard Castle.
As well as dropping off items for foodbanks after visiting the checkout, shoppers can now pick up pre-prepared donation packs as they walk inside the store.
The packs include essentials and are priced about £2. Shoppers pay for them at the checkout with their other items. The idea is to make it easier for people to donate.
Sophie Butler, from Morrisons, has been helping the store’s community champion, Gillian Robinson, set up the system. Ms Butler said: “Some people don’t know what to buy for foodbanks, so we created these Pick Up Packs. They are filled with essentials like noodles, soup and tins. Shoppers can still donate individual items the usual way but this makes it easier.”
The donations are being split between the Influence Church’s Storehouse foodbank and TCR Hub’s care packages which are delievered to the needy.
“We started the Pick Up Packs a fortnight ago and we have sold about 15 trolley loads,” said Ms Butler.
Ms Robinson added: “It has been really successful so far and the Storehouse foodbank and The Hub are incredibly grateful for the extra donations. We have had some really good comments from customers.”