A NEW group is continuing vital meetings for men who are having trouble with their feelings.
Barney Well Beings was formed after ManHealth announced it would no longer be hosting its weekly support group.
They currently meet every Wednesday at The Witham between 6pm and 8pm with the venue paid for through an anonymous benefactor.
Chris Johnson who facilitates the group said: “The Witham phoned me to tell me it had been paid for ten weeks – It was following the article about ManHealth going.”
He added that the significant need for support for men with mental health issues has been confirmed by local mental health practitioners, but men are having difficulty talking about it.
He said: “You are out with a group of male friends and no one wants to be what they perceive as not normal, so everyone is fine, when everyone is not fine.
“Because our group are all people that are not fine we are able to open up.
“We have a time when we can express our feelings and how we are doing. We also have a talk on a relevant topic within mental ill-health, like anxiety, stress and depression, and how to develop coping techniques.”
He added that this was different to other groups which merely have a discussion on their feelings.
Mr Johnson added: “Nobody is learning why they are the way they are.”
People who would like to know more can turn up at one of the Wednesday meetings or call Mr Johnson on 07919 091834 or email [email protected]