A RURAL village hall association is facing a big repair bill after a vehicle crashed into the car park entrance, leaving a gate smashed and knocking over a dry-stone wall.
The collision at Marwood Social Centre, near Barnard Castle, happened sometime after 10.30pm on Sunday, July 17, and 9am Monday, July 18.
Now committee members are appealing for information on who caused the damage.
Peter Stubbs, chairman of the social centre, said: “It happened through the night. When we came past at 10.30am it was normal then, but the next morning the damage was there. It must have been a big vehicle because the gate post is heavy duty and it’s moved. It’s the first time there has been any damage since the centre was built.”
The road outside the centre is straight and with skid marks on the Tarmac Mr Stubbs believes the damage could have been caused by an agricultural vehicle or lorry using the gateway to turn around.
He added: “There are a lot of contractors travelling the roads at this time of year with trailers and it may be one of those lads had got on the wrong road and had to turn around. They would know they’d hit it, but they haven’t left any details of who they were. It would be nice if anyone has any information or remembers seeing anything as it’s going to cost us quite a bit to get the damage fix, about £500 to £600.”
Anyone with information on the collision can contact Mr Stubbs on 01833 638589.