A CHEF from Winston has singlehandedly strung up more than 350 metres of bunting on his street for the jubilee celebration.
Michael England began stringing up the bunting about two weeks ago.
He said: “I’ve been doing it in my spare time when I finish work. I put up two strips first to make sure the bin lorries could get through. I actually phoned the council to ask how high the bin lorries are.”
He strung the bunting up to a height of 3.7 metres, about the length of his ladder.
The 29-year-old said he got the idea of putting up the bunting from his memories of growing up in Barnard Castle where bunting goes up for special events.
He added: “Because I was a Scout back in the day, I have been proud to be part of the country really.
“Our flag is respect for country and Queen.”
He attached the bunting to street lighting on one side of the street and got permission from neighbours to attach it to their trees on the opposite side.
It cost Mr England about £80 to buy the bunting, but about half was returned through donations from appreciative neighbours.
People from the village celebrated the jubilee with a community picnic at the play park on Sunday afternoon.