PLANS for this year’s Barnard Castle Meet weekend are coming together, say organisers who confirmed the event will be run a week later than normal to tie in with the four-day bank holiday weekend.
The procession, which will have a theme of royalty to tie in with the jubilee, will be run on Friday, June 5, to avoid clashing with the regular monthly farmers’ market on the cobbles.
Martyn Maughan, chairman of the Meet volunteer group, said: “The farmers’ market gets a lot of passing customers from those going to the Lakes and elsewhere.
“They’re not going to like it if we shut that down for two and a half hours with a road closure.”
Two days of activities are being planned for the return of the event, which due to pandemic restrictions has not been held since 2019.
Rachel Tweddle who is among those helping to organise the event, told the town council’s partnership committee that the main parade would start at 1pm on the Friday.
It will travel from GSK car park, along the main street, before ending at Barnard Castle School.
She added: “It is a really good group of people helping to organise it this year – there are people involved who have come back onboard from years ago who are really committed. They have good links around the town, who can get things going and have some useful skills. So hopefully we will have something fantastic.”
She added that the group were also hoping to arrange funding for jubilee-related events. Town clerk Martin Clark said the parade timed perfectly with the council’s own arrangements as the Town Crier would announce the lighting of a beacon at 2pm, just after the parade had passed.
As well as a pet show and car boot sale, the committee is organising live music on the Demesnes on Friday and Saturday, June 4 and 5.
Support will be offered to any groups looking to host jubilee street parties on Sunday, June 6. The group hopes to make the occasion one to remember and says it is delighted with the response to festoon the town with Union Jacks, as well as the newly purchased bunting.
Volunteer Colin Glasper said: “It’s been a great response so far – I have somewhere in the region of 35 flags sponsored already by businesses and individuals.
“I originally thought there were 50 fixings available but I’ve had a tot up and there are in fact 66, so there is plenty of space those who are interested.
“We’ve also had a good response from local businesses and organisations wanting to support the Meet – with GSK, JT Atkinsons, the Lions and the Three Horse Shoes all making donations.”
The group also wants to find collection tins that are usually distributed throughout the town ahead of the event.
Mr Glasper added: “We do know where some of them are, but the last time we had them was four years ago so if anyone has them, we’d been glad to hear from them.”
For anyone interested in sponsoring a flag, which costs £40, there is still time to secure a spot before the closing date of Friday, March 18.
For information about sponsoring a flag or to make a donation, contact Mr Glasper on 07989 604526 or email
[email protected].