The inaugural and pilot scheme Grand Teesdale Raffle, organised by Teesdale and District Lions Club has been deemed a great success.
The Lions Club organised many of the clubs and society’s in the area to sell the raffle tickets and claim 70 per cent of their takings. In return, the Lions arranged for the necessary licensing documentation, printed tickets, sourced 40 good prizes including quite a few with a monetary value of over £100.
Said club activities officer and raffle promoter Bob Garton: “The uptake from local organisations was brilliant from day one, resulting in an additional print run. The support from local businesses in providing good quality prizes was remarkable. The range of participating groups covered a broad spectrum of activities in the dale, including the Teesdale Day Clubs, the Well Beings group, the Visually Impaired club, the Scouts and Guides, Barney FC , TODYs, Teesdale Special Olympics Group, the Meet Committee, the Castle Players, Friends of Staindrop Primary School and Copley Village Hall Committee.
After a busy weekend of collecting ticket stubs and folding them by Bob and president Barbara Foster, club Treasurer Neil Mitchell counted well over £6,000 raised.
Andrea Hobbs, of Teesdale Day Clubs, and Martin Maughan and Colin Glasper, of the Meet Committee, in the presence of members of the Guide Association, made the official draw at the club meeting on Wednesday, December 6. Prizes have all been issued and cheques are now ready to send to all participating groups.
“A lot of the participants have expressed an interest in repeating this fundraiser next year,” said president, Barbara. “In the spring we will be getting in touch in the all this years groups and opening it up to a few more organisations and appealing for sponsorship. We aim to have tickets ready by early September in order for clubs to maximise this golden opportunity” .
Teesdale Lions Club would like to thank , the local businesses which helped put more than £6,000 back into the local charitable sector, namely: Andalusia Deli, Brookes Outfitters, Chocolate Fayre, Dark Sky Brewery, Jackson Skip Hire, McFarlane’s Butchers, McGarry & Co Solicitors, Morrison’s, Morritt Arms, Northside Farm Retreat, Old Well Inn, Oliviers Furnishing, Technimark Pharma, Teesdale Mercury, Three Horseshoes.