This week's front page
This week's front page

Hitting the headlines this week

Renowned botanist Dr Margaret Bradshaw celebrated her 98th birthday by launching a new fundraising adventure to highlight the decline of the dale's rarest plants

Consultations over plans for the Toft Hill bypass have been branded 'a farce'

Meet the father-of-five who wants to be Teesdale's next MP

Next week sees the launch of a new campaign to tackle dog mess in Barnard Castle

Bell ringers in Cotherstone are celebrating a £4,000 grant for repairs to the church bells

The boss of the newly rebranded North Pennines National Landscape looks at the challenges facing the former AONB partnership

We step out with the Sole Sisters – a running club where 'it's not about breaking records'

In sport, there were defeats for Barney's football and rugby sides, while Northern League officials have cancelled their two cup competitions due to the backlog of fixtures

Plus... what's on and the dale's events guide; community news; a bumper selections of letters in our postbag; family notices; motors services and classified ads and much more...

All in this week's paper which is out now